Technically it’s still spring, but I think we’ve all pretty much transitioned into summer mode, so I’m recapping the Spring Bucket List. And yes, I only completed 57% of it… but I’m not feeling like it’s a failure. We’ve been busy! Here’s our original list:
1. Take a Train Ride
Oh, this is the one that I really wanted to do, but did not work out with our schedules. We want to take him on a real train ride, not just one of the little ones, so hopefully we can make this happen this summer. He did get to ride the one at the zoo a few weekends ago, but I think he’ll really enjoy a ride on a big train.
2. Hope Totes Service Project
We really enjoyed taking him shopping and having him help us put together hygiene supplies for the Hope Totes Easter Outreach Program at Haven of Rest, a local organization that serves the homeless in Northeast Ohio. I want help my sons to have hearts to serve others and so I’m trying to plan a service project with them each quarter. I’m still trying to decide on a project for summer, so if you have any ideas that would be appropriate for a 3 year old, let me know!
3. Plant Seeds and Watch Them Grow
Believe it or not, these plants are still alive. Still no flowers, but not dead yet. My son’s excitement for taking care of them has waned a little now that we’ve planted the garden and he’s all over that. And if I’m honest too, my excitement has waned as well. They’re not really pretty to me, so I really wouldn’t be too sad if they died. But they are right above the sink, so they are still getting regular water. Just because it’s convenient.
4. Visit a Children’s Museum
So this did not happen. I looked into the Cleveland Children’s Museum, but I read mixed reviews online. The website made it look nice, but a lot of people said it was kind of dingy and dirty. It’s $8 per person so I was a little on the fence about paying that much to go without hearing definitively from someone we know whether or not it’s nice. Anyone out there have any strong opinions? I think I am going to take A to the Children’s Museum of Richmond when we are visiting my family this summer, since I know that one will be worth our time and money.
5. Take a Rainy Day Walk & Splash in Puddles
A looked at me like I was a crazy lady when I told him he could splash in the puddles. But pretty soon joy took over and he LOVED it. We actually went on a few puddle walks. And it helped me to let go a little too. Working on that whole being a “yes” mom, and trying to seize the joy in the simple things.
6. Go to the Art Museum
This was a fun outing for a snowy Spring day. Yes, Spring is quite snowy here in Northeast Ohio. We visited the Akron Art Museum and had a blast. We’ll do this again for sure next Winter/Spring.
7. Go to the Zoo
Well, if you read my post about the Akron Zoo, then you know we are a zoo family. We go about once a week. We are members, so it’s my goal to make the membership count! My boys love it, so any morning when I announce that we’re headed to the zoo there is rejoicing.
8. Visit Lake Eerie
I think we are going to try to do this soon. We’re still in the stage of researching all that we want to do and where to go, so if you have any suggestions let me know!
9. Have a Picnic
I haven’t posted about any of them, but we did have a few picnics. My son always loves having some input into what we pack and he loves a good picnic, inside or out.
10. Hike @ 5 Different Metroparks
We only made it to one metropark. I dropped the ball on this one. We have been out to some of our usual local parks lately, but we haven’t made it out to hike as much as I would have liked.
11. Visit Preston’s Hope Playground
We never did make it to Preston’s Hope Playground. It’s supposed to be amazing and I hope we get to go soon.
12. Go Strawberry Picking
We have yet to do this one as well.
13. Memorize a Bible Verse
We worked with our son and helped him memorize his first Bible verse (Ephesians 6:1) It was actually easier than I thought and he can still quote it when asked. We’ll be doing a new verse each quarter.
14. Make Easter Treats
Oh, we did this one. And it was one epic FAIL. We attempted to make cake balls that looked like Easter eggs. They fell apart all over the place and tasted waaay too sweet. Which is saying a lot actually. I’m known for having a sweet tooth. These were too awful to share.
So we didn’t get to everything, but that’s OK. I like to aim high. Some of these activities we will shuffle over to the Summer Bucket List, which I’ll be sharing tomorrow.