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Our First Memory Verse

We feel a deep calling on our life as parents to teach our sons many, many things and one of our responsibilities is to teach them the Word of God.  As I mentioned in my Spring Bucket list, I wanted to teach my 3 year old son his fist Bible verse.  I’ll be honest, I was a little intimidated about how to help him memorize a verse because it was the first one we’ve taught him and we just didn’t know how it would go.  I thought that perhaps I’d have to teach him a song or something like that to help him memorize it, but it ended up being much more simple than that.  A couple of times a day I say it with him and have him repeat me.  I also wrote the verse out on our chalk board and showed him what the words looked like while we said it.  He can’t read yet, but he has shown a lot of interest in letters and so he really enjoyed that.  So what did we memorize?  Ephesians 6:1

ephesians 6 1 in letter magnetsI’m sure you can probably guess why we chose this verse.  We’ve had some major challenging from our son lately in terms of obedience and so we are really trying to emphasize to him that obedience is important, not just because we want to be in charge or anything like that, but because God gave him to us to protect him and to guide him to make decisions for his good.  You know, like when I tell you to hold my hand in a parking lot, it’s not just because I want to control you, but because I want to guide you and make sure you don’t get hit by a car.  I know, it will definitely be a work in progress and that we’ll be working on this lesson for some time to come.

So how did he do with the memorizing?  Very well!  It took about 4 days until he could say it all the way through.  I even hear him saying it to himself from time to time.  It’s been about 2 weeks since he first learned it completely and we still review it together.  I loved this experience and I can’t wait to work on our next verse.  I love planting these seeds into his heart.

If you have a little one, I want to encourage you to not hesitate to try this… it might take them a while to get it, but they could surprise you and be more capable than you thought.

I’m linking up with Whimsical Wednesdays.

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Tuesday 6th of May 2014

That was the first verse my kids memorized too. A lot of opportunities to show them how to apply it. :-)


Tuesday 6th of May 2014

I'm sure it is the first one for a lot of kids! We were talking to him about this verse and trying to teach him the meaning of obedience so it just made sense for us.

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Mary Martha Mama