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What Jennifer Garner and I Have in Common

Good Monday morning to you all!

Now was your weekend?  Mine was excellent and I hope yours was too.  After spending most of the week convalescing from my dental implant surgery it was good to get out of the house and be a little more active.  We also had a glorious dinner at Maggianos so it was no surprise this morning when I weighed in at the exact weight I was last week.

Since beginning my Healthy Mama Challenge 22 weeks ago I have lost 10.2 pounds or 5.9% overall.

I have a few weight loss goals-

  • Get to a healthy BMI (0.8 pounds to go)
  • Get to my pre-pregnancy weight (2.8 pounds to go)
  • Get to my pre-marriage weight (7.8 pounds to go)
  • Total Weight Loss Goal {Get back to my ideal weight} (17.8 pounds to go)

Yesterday I began my training for the Flap Jack & Jill 5K and I think I will see some good results moving forward this week.  Here’s my training schedule:

march 5k trainingAs you can see yesterday was walking and today it’s Pilates.  I have been doing Pilates off and on for 11 years now.  I have always used the same DVD- Pilates on the Go.

pilates on the go cover

Jennifer Garner certainly had a glowing endorsement of it, and if it’s good enough for her, then it’s good enough for me.  It’s an oldie (I didn’t realize how old until I thought about it this morning!) but I love the routine.  And I think that honestly I love knowing my routine as well.  When I first started doing it there was some degree of difficulty in trying to have good form but also having to look at her to know what on earth to do, but now I know all the different exercises so I don’t have to look at her any more.

If you are interested in Pilates but too intimidated to sign up for a class there are a ton of DVDs out there that would allow you to try it from the comfort of your living room.  Typically you need a good mat, a resistance cord with handles and some resistance bands.  I actually use a Harbinger 340100 Durafoam Exercise Mat.  While it’s not made specifically for Pilates it works well for me.  It’s a bit thicker which is nice for when you have hard floors like we do.  Different workouts use different equipment so check with your DVD or class to see what you need.  You could also buy a Pilates kit like this one which comes with DVDs, a mat, and the bands.

If you have Amazon Prime there are actually a decent number of Pilate workouts like available to watch for free.  Our local library also has a variety of Pilates DVDs available.  If you’re interested in getting strong and lean then Pilates might be something you should check out.

It’s time for me to get off the couch and put in my Pilates DVD.  My 4 year old likes to join me in trying the exercises so he’s excited that we’re doing it this morning.  The 18 month old thinks that me laying on the floor is an invitation to crawl on me but fighting him off will just add to my calories burned.

Anyone else love Pilates?  Have a DVD recommendation to share?

(Please note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and make a purchase I will receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting the blog!  Read my disclosure policy here.)

Mary Martha Mama