For the past two week’s Good Morning Girls Bible reading I was reading in Exodus chapters 31-40 and there’s a whole lot of meat in these verses but one thing struck me was the contrast between the beginning of Exodus and the end of Exodus.
Exodus begins with the gloom of the Israelite enslavement and ends with the glory of the Lord filling the tabernacle.
As I was reading again this morning God highlighted that contrast and showed me how our lives as Christians have a similar trajectory. We begin as slaves to our sin but the God rescues us and makes a way for his glory to dwell within us. Inside us!
It never ceases to amaze me how all of Scripture really does point to Jesus Christ. The Bible really is a cohesive work. Even in what seem to be the most random accounts if you look hard enough you can see something of the beautiful story of our Savior in it.
Jesus himself spoke about this aspect of Scriptures in John 5:39 “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me“.
Lately we have been trying to emphasize this teaching with our son. He is 4 and is starting to ask a whole lot of fun questions about God. And in raising him we know that it’s important for him to have a strong knowledge of the Scriptures but beyond a thorough knowledge of the accounts of the Bible we want him to see how every part of the Bible points to Christ.
So recently we put away his Read with Me Bible for Toddlers and started reading The Jesus Storybook Bible.
There’s nothing wrong with his toddler Bible (in fact, I think it’s very good) but I think that he has outgrown it at this point and is ready to move on to something more challenging. I’m loving the The Jesus Storybook Bible because as the tagline says “every story whispers his name”. At the end of every story the author points out how God is working his plan for our salvation through Jesus Christ.
And isn’t that the whole point, really? We want our children to know more than just Bible “stories” we want them to know the God who wrote the “stories” and so every story should point to Him.
Anyone else reading along with us? Please feel free to share what God’s been teaching you in the comments, even if you’re studying something else.
Now that we have finished up with Exodus we are moving on the Matthew in preparation for Easter. If you would like to join in you can find all the info at Women Living Well.
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Cat is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom of two boys. She shares crafts, DIY projects, kids’ activities, and a little bit about life in Ohio. Learn more about her and the blog on the About page.
Friday 27th of February 2015
We recently got that Bible for our 5 year old and really enjoying it. He had been ready for it and I love seeing his interest and curiosity grow! So wonderful hearing about other moms building Gods word into their little ones. Have a great day!
Friday 27th of February 2015
Thanks you too!
Thursday 26th of February 2015
We love the Jesus Storybook Bible!!
Thursday 26th of February 2015
So good to hear! We're only a few stories in but so far I have loved how they present each one.