Today I made some new diy burp cloths! I have made some other burp cloths before (super simple burp cloths, contour burp cloths, and pom pom burp cloths) but love experimenting with my patterns and I came up with one that is a hybrid between my super simple burp cloths and the contour burp cloths. I love that one side has the cut out so that it fits nicely around your neck and lays well on your shoulder.
To make your own burp cloths you will need:
- my half contour burp cloth pattern
- fabric for the front of your burp cloth
- a soft fabric for the back of your burp cloth (I like to use terrycloth but some people use chenille, minky, or flannel)
- coordinating thread
- rotary cutting set or scissors
- sewing machine ( I use this sewing machine)
- pins
Step 1: Print out the half contour burp cloth pattern. Check the 1 inch square to be sure that it measures one inch. You may need to adjust your printer settings if it doesn’t.
Also, wash, dry, and iron your fabric for the front of the bib. Wash and dry the terrycloth but don’t iron it. You just don’t need to.
Step 2: Take your fabric that you’re using for the front of the burp cloth and fold it in half. Lay your pattern piece on top of the folded fabric with the straight edge at the bottom up against the fold. Alternately you could print two of the patterns off and tape them together. Then you wouldn’t need to fold the fabric over.
Step 3: Cut out around the pattern piece. Do not cut along the fold edge. When you unfold the fabric it will look like this:
Step 4: Lay your front fabric piece down on top of the back fabric piece with the right sides together. Pin your front fabric piece down to the back fabric piece. Pin it down into place.
Step 5: Sew around the edges, sewing 1/2 inch from the edge BUT leave an opening of a couple of inches on the straight side.
Leave your opening somewhere in the middle NOT on the end at one of the corners. You can see my opening near the middle of the left side below.
Step 6: Trim the corners. Notch the rounded edges on the ends of the one side and the middle where it indents. This will help everything to lay nicely when you turn it right side out.
Step 7: Turn the burp cloth right side out using the opening that you left. Press it flat with your iron.
Step 8: Topstitch around the edge of the burp cloth. This will close up the hole that you left. I like to double topstitch, sewing all the way around at 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch from the edge.
Trim your strings, give it one final press with your iron, and you’re done!
There you have it! Now make up a really cute set of diy burp cloths for a baby you know. What kind do you prefer? Rectangular? Contoured? They hybrid? Let me know in the comments below!
Want more diy burp cloths? Check out one of these!
Cat is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom of two boys. She shares crafts, DIY projects, kids’ activities, and a little bit about life in Ohio. Learn more about her and the blog on the About page.
Thursday 31st of August 2017
Thursday 31st of August 2017
You're welcome!
Sunday 9th of July 2017
Perfect for baby showers! I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for this evening that features your tutorial: --Anne
Sunday 9th of July 2017
Thank you!