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Show and Tell Letter R [110 Ideas]

I am keeping my show and tell series going this summer and today I’m sharing all my ideas for show and tell letter R so if you’re looking for something that starts with R then I’ve got 110 ideas for you! As a teacher and mom I have a lot of show and tell experience that I hope to share with you all.

show and tell letter r

Show and Tell Tips from a Teacher and Mom

  • Look through your kid’s stuffed animals and action figures.  Sometimes you can find a character whose name starts with the letter that you need.
  • Look through your child’s books.  You might find a book with a title that begins with the letter that you need
  • When all else fails have your kiddo take in an alphabet block with the letter on it or a an alphabet letter magnet.
  • My son once took in a picture that he colored from a coloring book.  The picture was of something that started with the letter of the week and he loved showing off his artwork during share time.

And this won’t help you think of anything but this last tip will help keep you out of a bind- 

My #1 Show and Tell Tip

Set a reminder on your phone for the night before show and tell. 

alarm for show and tell letter r

That way you won’t forget and scramble to find something in your car while you wait in the drop off line for school.  Yes, yes that did happen to me.  Don’t be me.  You’re better than that!

Show and Tell R Ideas

  1. rainbow
  2. ribbon
  3. robot
  4. rice
  5. rice cakes
  6. raisin
  7. rat
  8. raccoon
  9. rabbit
  10. Red Panda
  11. reindeer
  12. Red Fox
  13. rhino
  14. rattlesnake
  15. rose
  16. rock
  17. race car
  18. Ritz Crackers
  19. Rice Krispies
  20. Rice Krispy Treats
  21. Reece’s
  22. radish
  23. Robin (Batman’s sidekick)
  24. Rapunzel (from Tangled)
  25. Robin Hood
  26. Rex (from Toy Story)
  27. Roo (from Winnie the Pooh)
  28. Rabbit (from Winnie the Pooh)
  29. R2D2 (from Star Wars)
  30. rocket
  31. ring
  32. ring pop
  33. Romaine lettuce
  34. Red Pepper
  35. radio
  36. rope
  37. roller skates
  38. rubber band
  39. ruler
  40. Rescue Bots
  41. rain jacket
  42. rain boots
  43. Rubik’s cube
  44. rake
  45. raspberry
  46. recipe
  47. recorder
  48. remote
  49. racket
  50. railroad pieces from toy train
  51. rectangle
  52. reptile
  53. Rhode Island (map, postcard)
  54. Russia (map, postcard)
  55. Romania (map, postcard)
  56. Rwanda (map, postcard)
  57. riddle
  58. roach (like from a plastic bug set)
  59. Road Runner
  60. rooster
  61. rugby ball
  62. race track (hotwheels tracks)
  63. rolling pin (from play kitchen or real!)
  64. Raya (from Raya and the Last Dragon)
  65. Rey (from Star Wars)
  66. Russell (from Up)
  67. Rainbow Brite
  68. Remy (from Ratatouille)
  69. Rubble (from Paw Patrol)
  70. Rocky (from Paw Patrol)
  71. Ryder (from Paw Patrol)
  72. Rusty (from Bluey)
  73. Rocket (from Guardians of the Galaxy)
  74. Red Riding Hood
  75. Rosie’s Walk book
  76. Rainbow Fish book
  77. Rolly (from Puppy Dog Pals)
  78. Rollo (from Eureka)
  79. Roxy (from Eureka)
  80. Risk board game
  81. Baltimore Ravens (shirt, jersey, hat)
  82. Las Vegas Raiders (shirt, jersey, hat)
  83. Los Angelos Rams (shirt, jersey, hat)
  84. Boston Red Sox (shirt, jersey, hat)
  85. Cincinnati Reds (shirt, jersey, hat)
  86. Colorado Rockies (shirt, jersey, hat)
  87. Kansas City Royals (shirt, jersey, hat)
  88. Tampa Bay Rays (shirt, jersey, hat)
  89. Texas Rangers (shirt, jersey, hat)
  90. Houston Rockets (shirt, jersey, hat)
  91. Toronto Raptors (shirt, jersey, hat)
  92. Detroit Red Wings (shirt, jersey, hat)
  93. New York Rangers (shirt, jersey, hat)
  94. Raichu (Pokemon card)
  95. Raikou (Pokemon card)
  96. Ralts (Pokemon card)
  97. Rampardos (Pokemon card)
  98. Rapidash (Pokemon card)
  99. Raticate (Pokemon card)
  100. Rattata (Pokemon card)
  101. Rayquaza (Pokemon card)
  102. Regice (Pokemon card)
  103. Regigigas (Pokemon card)
  104. Regirock (Pokemon card)
  105. Registeel (Pokemon card)
  106. Relicanth (Pokemon card)
  107. Remoraid (Pokemon card)
  108. Reshiram (Pokemon card)
  109. Reuniclus (Pokemon card)
  110. Rhydon (Pokemon card)

Letter R Video

You and your kiddos might like this letter R video.

YouTube video

Have any other show and tell letter R ideas?  Please be sure to share them in the comments below!  Need show and tell ideas for other letters?  Check out my big post full of show and tell ideas for every letter.

More Fun with Letter R

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Mary Martha Mama