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Healthy Mama 2.0 Week #6

I know, it’s been 2 weeks since I checked in so this is really my results for both weeks 4 and 5.  Overall, I’m not doing great, but I am moving forward.  Here’s this week’s weight results:

Overall weight lost since January 2nd: 5.8 pounds

So not a lot of movement these past two weeks but I’m not gaining and I am slowly going down overall.  I’ve made more good choices than bad.  Don’t get me wrong… I’m still making some bad eating choices at times but I’m making many more healthy meals along with going to my tabata class a couple of times a week and walking.  This week I’m actually really proud that I hit my step and mileage goal set by my fitbit every day.  And so I’m just going to keep moving forward, trying to make healthy eating and fitness choices, even if it takes me a long time to get where I want to be.

Where am I on my overall goals?

  • Get to a healthy BMI (25.4 pounds to go)
  • Get to my pre-pregnancy weight (27.4 pounds to go)
  • Get to my pre-marriage weight (32.4 pounds to go)
  • Total Weight Loss Goal {Get back to my ideal weight} (42.4 pounds to go)
Mary Martha Mama