I started a new routine a few weeks ago. I wake up now at 5:25 AM. Yes, I know, that is early. And I do this by choice. I know what might be thinking… Why, crazy lady, why? Well, ever since we had baby #2 last year I just couldn’t seem to get my act together. The basic stuff got done, as in we were all fed and had clean clothes. I was having trouble fitting in everything I wanted to fit into a day and so I decided to get up earlier, before the kids and husband. I get up, work out, shower and get ready for the day, then I sit down and have my devotional time.
It’s only been a few weeks, but I LOVE it. I love that it’s quiet and it’s my time to focus on myself without interruption. I am able to work out before I’m awake enough to realize I’m working out or let other things get in the way. I get to shower and put some effort into dressing and doing my hair. I even think about accessories some mornings. Then I get to settle down for my quiet time reading the word of God and praying. It really helps me to get my head on straight. I love this quiet time for reflection.
Am I tired? No, I actually feel like I have more energy. I think that I have more energy because I’m exercising regularly and I’m also trying to get into bed earlier since I know that my mornings begin early now. Overall I feel more refreshed and less frazzled. And I think this will help me to achieve my goals for this year.
So am I saying that you should try this? Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t think that this is the answer for everyone. But if you’re feeling scattered and that you just don’t have time, then take a look at your schedule and see if there are any small tweaks that you could make. You never know, just by trying something different you might see some great results!
If you do try something new with your routine, let me know how it goes.
Cat is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom of two boys. She shares crafts, DIY projects, kids’ activities, and a little bit about life in Ohio. Learn more about her and the blog on the About page.
Thursday 20th of March 2014
Me too!! I've been doing the same thing and it really does give me more energy and helps my productivity! good for you! Here's to more time with Him and more time with our kiddos after the chores are done!
Thursday 20th of March 2014
Amen! Glad to know it's working out well for you too!