We recently came up with this responsibility chart for our 4 year old son. He has done some of these jobs for some time but we’ve never formally given him a list of things he must do each day. We like to emphasize positive reinforcement and so we wanted to come up with a reward system that would help him be a little more independent and encourage him to take care of his things and our home.
Here’s what we came up with:
I am currently out of laminating sheets for my laminator but once those come in I plan to laminate the responsibility chart so that we can use a dry erase marker to check items off as he completes them. For now I’m going to use stickers and have a different one for each day so I don’t have to print off multiple charts.
At the end of each week we plan to count up his check marks and pay him a penny for each one. I’ll be going to the bank today to get some change. If he completes everything he will have $0.70 for the entire week. I know, not a huge amount but he will get to put it in his piggy bank and use some to give, some to save, and some to spend however he wishes. Eventually we will increase the amount as he gets older and has more responsibilities.
I wanted to share it with you all in case some of you might find it useful for your little ones as well. This printable is free for your personal non-commercial use only. To download the responsibility chart click here.