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Cartoon Characters that Start with U

Cartoon characters that start with U are a little rare but I tried to come up with a decent list. I am listing a bunch of Disney characters that start with U as well as Pixar, Nickelodeon and other cartoon characters. If you like playing games like Scattergories where you often have to come up with things for categories that start with particular letters or if you’re a parent trying to think of what toys your kiddos have for show and tell then this list might be for you!

cartoon characters that start with U Ursula

I focused mainly on more major characters because between movies and T.V. there are so many cartoon characters out there! To organize it I broke the list into 3 categories: Disney, Pixar, and Other.

Disney Characters that Start with U

  1. Uncle Waldo (The Aristocats)
  2. Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
  3. Uncle Art (Meet the Robinsons)
  4. Uncle Joe (Meet the Robinsons)
  5. Uncle Fritz (Meet the Robinsons)
  6. Uncle Gaston (Meet the Robinsons)
  7. Uncle Donald Duck
  8. Uncle Scrooge McDuck (Duck Tales)
cartoon characters that start with U Ugo

Pixar Characters that Start with U

  1. Underminer (Incredibles 2)
  2. Ugo (Luca)

Other Cartoon Characters that Start with U

  1. Underdog
  2. Unikitty (The Lego Movie)
  3. Umbreon (Pokemon)
  4. Ugga Crood (The Croods)
  5. Una (Ferdinand)
  6. Uncle Rad (Bluey)
  7. Uncle Stripe (Bluey)

More Fun with the Letter U

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show and tell letter u
toys that start with u
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