Today I am continuing on with our toy-based show and tell series and I’m sharing my list of 23 toys that start with U.

A lot of preschool programs do a letter of the week show and tell activity and I’m sharing this in the hopes that it can help some of you moms and dads out there to come up with an idea for your kiddo.
In my show and tell posts I included anything that I could think of that a family might have on hand for a child to take in for show and tell but I know that sometimes the assignment is just limited to toys that start with the letter of the week.
So I’m making a new series that’s all toys and I’m challenging myself to come up with even more toys than were on my original lists. I went through my kids’ toys, thought about their cousins’ and friends’ toys, and even walked the toy aisle scouring for ideas.
If you have some toy ideas to add to the list please let me know in the comments below! I’m probably missing something totally obvious!

General Tips
- If you get stuck try to think of names of characters that you might have a toy of… dolls, action figures, stuffed animals, etc.
- If you’re looking at this list for ideas for a weekly toy-focused show and tell then set an alarm for the night before to remind you about it. This way you’re not scrambling the morning of looking for something.
- If you have some time one day then go ahead and figure out some ideas for show and tell for a few letters and jot them down. Future you will love this!

Toys that Start with U
- umbrella (maybe you have a fun kid’s umbrella or we have a penguin helicopter with umbrellas)
- unicorn
- Unikitty (from the Lego Movie)
- uniform (like a costume of a sports uniform or police uniform)
- ukulele
- Ursula (from The Little Mermaid)
- Ugly Doll
- Umizoomi toys
- Underdog
- utensil (eating utensil like fork or spoon from play food set)
- urchin (we have a sea urchin in some of our Octonauts toy sets)
- utility belt (Batman’s utility belt)
- UNO card game (my kids love UNO!)
- Ukloo game
- Ultron (from Transformers)
- Uncle Scrooge from Duck Tales
- Uncle Donald from Duck Tales
- Uncle Wiggily
- Upwords
- Bear in Underwear
- Uma (from the Descendants)
- underwater camera