Welcome to week 4 of the Healthy Mama Link-up! I’m sharing a little bit about how things are going for me with losing the last of the baby weight. Please feel free to link-up or leave a comment to share how you’re working on getting healthy as well!
I’ve done better this week with diet. Although I did have some candy corn this week. I’ve been trying to track my calories each day and keep my portions in check. In addition to watching portions I’ve been working on lightening up a few of our favorite dishes like this Catalina Chicken.
I’ve been regularly running or working out on the elliptical. I’m working on progressing through the Couch to 5K program, which I have done in the past and I totally recommend to anyone looking to get into running for the first time (or the first time in a long time like me).
Weight Lost
I weighed in this morning and since last Wednesday I have lost 1.4 pounds. That’s 0.8% for the week. Since beginning 2 weeks ago I have lost 4.8 pounds ( 2.77%) overall. I have a few weight loss goals-
- Get to a healthy BMI (6.2 pounds to go)
- Get to my pre-pregnancy weight (8.2 pounds to go)
- Get to my pre-marriage weight (13.2 pounds to go)
- Total Weight Loss Goal {Get back to my ideal weight} (23.2 pounds to go)
Now it’s your turn! How are you all doing? Please feel free to share any posts about steps you are taking toward becoming healthier. I’d love to cheer you on!

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