Welcome to week 5 of the Healthy Mama Link-up! I’m sharing a little bit about how things are going for me with losing the last of the baby weight. Please feel free to link-up or leave a comment to share how you’re working on getting healthy as well! And please note… I’m changing the name to the Healthy Mama Challenge. Due to lack of interest this is the last week that there will be a link-up. I’m going to keep going with the series, but there will no longer be a link-up. Please feel free to still leave comments and share your story!
I have been counting each calorie and I stuck to my daily goal every day except two. On Sunday I had some candy and a couple cookies. And yesterday was rough. I was having a difficult day with the kids and I did a little emotional eating of some cookies. But overall I’m very happy with the week I had. Even on pizza night I lightened things up by having a salad and just two slices which all fit into my calorie budget for the day. Excuse the poor lighting as it was a little late when we ate.
I’m continuing on with my Couch to 5K training and working out on the elliptical on days when it rains. I used to run regularly but stopped about 6 years ago. I ran for a couple of months when I was working on losing the weight after having my first son but I have not done so consistently since. I’m hoping to complete the entire Couch to 5K training program. In the winter months I might have to retreat to the elliptical in our basement but I hope to stay in shape over the winter and complete a 5K in the Spring. I’m not a runner by any means and I run slow but I love how it makes me feel and what it does for keeping my body in shape.
Weight Lost
I weighed in this morning and since last Wednesday I have lost 3.2 pounds. That’s 1.9% for the week. Since beginning 5 weeks ago I have lost 8.0 pounds (4.6 %) overall. I have a few weight loss goals-
- Get to a healthy BMI (3 pounds to go)
- Get to my pre-pregnancy weight (5 pounds to go)
- Get to my pre-marriage weight (10 pounds to go)
- Total Weight Loss Goal {Get back to my ideal weight} (20 pounds to go)
Now it’s your turn! How are you all doing? Please feel free to share any posts about steps you are taking toward becoming healthier. I’d love to cheer you on!

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