Proverbs 3:5-6 is probably one of the most memorized Bible verses (somewhere behind John 3:16) and that may make it seem over-quoted and cliche but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a hand-holding, life-giving verse of gold. Of all of the verses in the Bible these are words that I want my sons to know and to live.
We have done a quarterly memory verse with our 4 year old son for some time now and he enjoys it immensely. To date I’ve just repeated the verses over and over with him a few times a day to help him to memorize them. He isn’t reading yet so this is one of the only memorization methods that I could think of.
Music is another great memorization tool and my husband bought a CD a few months ago that our entire family is loving. It’s called Sing the Bible with Slugs & Bugs. Each of the songs is Scripture set to music in fantastically fun ways. One of the songs is “Trust the Lord” and has helped my 4 year old memorize Proverbs 3:5-6. This song is so catchy that even my nearly 2 year old son sings along with his own little babbles and coos.
There’s even two songs to help you learn the books of the Bible. Here’s Randall Goodgame singing an accoustic version of the Old Testament one with his kids.
I really wanted to share this resource for any other parents as it’s been a big help to our family and really just a lot of fun too. Anyone else have any great resources to share? I’m particularly interested in any resources for little kids but feel free to share what you love for bigger kids too!
I’m blogging through the Bible as a part of my Good Morning Girls Bible reading. We are reading through the Scriptures together one chapter per weekday. We just began the Book of Proverbs. You can find more information and other great resources over at Women Living Well.
Cat is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom of two boys. She shares crafts, DIY projects, kids’ activities, and a little bit about life in Ohio. Learn more about her and the blog on the About page.
Mary Newman
Saturday 20th of June 2015
Ooo thanks for that CD idea. I know of Hide Them In Your Heart but that's about it. Thanks!
I learned Trust in the Lord from Sixpence None The Richer. Love their version!
Saturday 20th of June 2015
Hide Them in Your Heart is great too! Thanks for sharing!
Friday 19th of June 2015
Oh this song is catchy. I am going to have to try it with my two year old. Found you from Women Living Well :)
Saturday 20th of June 2015
Yes, it is! I totally recommend the entire CD. Thanks for stopping by!