Happy Monday! In case you need reminding this coming Sunday is Mother’s Day! Don’t forget!
And in case you need a card I’m sharing a free printable Mother’s Day card with you this morning.
You can get the card here.
It is absolutely free for your own personal (non-commercial) use. So you can give one to your mom but don’t sell it please. 🙂
I decided to base this one around the verse from Proverbs 31:25 because I know that that’s the type of mother that I want to try to be. I think that these are some sweet words to tell your mother what she is like. Gifts are always nice but sometimes it’s just nice to have someone express their feelings about you.
Print the card out onto some nice cardstock. Make sure that you do a print preview to ensure that your printer settings are correct before printing!
Then trim the extra white off of the bottom so that the image goes all the way to the bottom of the page. If you don’t trim the extra white space off of the bottom of the card then it will not be lined up correctly when you fold it.
Fold the card in half.
Trim the extra white off of the sides. You could leave the extra on the sides but I prefer for the image to extend all the way to the edge of the paper on all sides.
And you’re done!
Write some kind words to your mother on the inside and mail it to her or present it to her on Sunday along with some flowers or a present. Need some gift ideas? Check out my Smother’s Day Gift Guide from last year. Even if your mother isn’t a smother like Beverly Goldberg it will give you some great ideas for a gift your mom might love.