I taught preschool Sunday School yesterday and while we have a very good curriculum I sometimes supplement the suggested activities with ones that I come up on my own. My class is the 3-5 year olds and I love to build lessons that speak to the different learning styles and interests of my kids. At the beginning of every class I prepare an arrival activity that the kids can begin to work on while the others are arriving.
For arrival activities I make sure that I design something that they can work on independently so that I can greet others as they arrive. For yesterday’s activity I had them match up alphabet blocks with letters on word strips.
I placed a few letter blocks under each word strip and instructed students put the correct blocks onto the spots on the paper in order to make their word. I made it a bit more challenging by adding in an extra letter or two but if you wanted to make it easier you could just have the correct letters and no more.
Once they finished their word they could move on to the next open seat and make a new word.
When everyone had arrived and had had a chance to do a few words I reviewed the words and letters with them. The words for yesterday were God, Jesus, Bible, and help.
Our Bible story for the day was about Jesus healing the blind man so I chose words that went well with our story. You could totally take these words and apply them to another story or make a version of this with words that better fit other stories.
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Linking up with Mom 2 Mom Monday and The Mommy Club.