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Martin Luther King Jr. Youtube Resources for Kids

Good morning! My son has school off today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  I asked him on Friday if he knew why he wouldn’t have school today and I was happy that he retained a decent amount of what his teacher had taught them about Dr. King and the civil rights movement.  He could remember that people were not allowed to be together because of the color of their skin, that it was unfair, that Dr. King helped with the bus boycotts, and that he was shot.

He is in kindergarten, so I was not expecting a ton of depth, but he knew more than I expected him to.  Today I plan to keep it pretty simple but I wanted to take the opportunity to help reinforce what he has learned so I decided to check out what’s on Youtube.

There are some good videos for kids.  My favorite is the Reading Rainbow video.  I grew up on Reading Rainbow, though, so maybe I’m a little biased.  There are many other great videos out there.  Here are some that your family may enjoy:

[one] Reading Rainbow- LeVar Burton reads about Martin Luther King Jr.

YouTube video

[two]  MLK Biography for Kids

YouTube video

[three] The King and His Dream

YouTube video

[four] The Story of Martin Luther King Jr. by Kid President

YouTube video

[five] The Story of Martin Luther King Jr

YouTube video

I even learned some more when I previewed these for my kids.  I did not know that his name was originally Michael.  In fact, I had to look that up once I saw it just to verify that the video was correct.

These are the ones I liked for our kids, but I am sure that there are many more great resources out there.  Are there any videos about Martin Luther King Jr. that your family really enjoys?  Be sure to leave your suggestions in the comments below!

5 youtube videos on martin luther king jr

Mary Martha Mama