We are hard at work with working on our handwriting lately and today I am sharing some Letter I Tracing Worksheets with you all in the hopes that they can help you and your kiddos.

I am going to be working through the alphabet with my son and I’ll be sharing all the tracing worksheets with you all.
For each letter I am making one tracing sheet for the upper case letter and one sheet for the lower case letter.

Every sheet features 3 lines. On the first line you trace with the help of numbers and arrows. For the second line those numbers and arrows go away. On the final line you practice writing the letter all on your own.
To make this activity reusable pop the page into a page protector, dry erase pouch or laminate it. Then you can use dry erase markers.

If you feel like being uber-organized then you can pop each one into a page protector and put them all into a 3 ring binder so you have them all ready to go.
Get the Letter I Tracing Worksheets
Be sure to check your printer settings and do a print preview to make sure that the pdf will print out correctly.
These free printable worksheets are free for your own personal (non-commercial) use. You may use them in your home with your own children or in a classroom with students. Please do not sell them.
You can get the Letter I Tracing Worksheets here:
All of the Letter Pages Together
If you want all the other letters get them in one PDF here- Letter Tracing Worksheets.
More Handwriting Resources
Another resource that I love to use with my kids is an app called Letter School. We have it for our ipad and it’s fantastic. It helps to guide them through tracing their letters with proper letter formation in fun ways. Kids can do it by tracing with their fingers or a kid’s tablet stylus.
More Printable Activities for Kids
You may also want to check out my Show and Tell Letter I ideas.