This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., Abreva, Breathe Right, Clorox, Robitussin and Theraflu. All opinions are mine alone. #SoothesOfTheSeason #CollectiveBias
Every year I stock up to get ready for cold and flu season because without fail it will come and there’s nothing worse than dragging yourself to the store to get all the essentials once you’re already sick and feeling terrible.
I thought it would be fun to put together a stocking stuffed with all the essentials that you need for cold and flu season and I’m going to share it with you all along with a tutorial for how to make your own DIY Christmas stocking.
To stuff my stocking I headed to my local Kroger, the destination for all my cold and flu needs.
I picked up Abreva® Pump Cold Sore and Fever Blister Treatment which is easy to apply and is proven to heal cold sores and shorten the duration of pain, itching, burning, and tingling when used at the first sign. It’s not for temporary symptom relief, it’s for healing.
I grabbed Breathe® Right Extra Clear Nasal Strips. These provide relief for congestion due to colds, allergies, or a deviated septum and reduce snoring caused by nighttime nasal congestion by lifting and opening your nasal passages.
They are drug-free and safe to use with any sleep medication. Breathe Right clear nasal strips work the same way the tan strips do but the materials are slightly different, making the clear strips easier to remove, which can be beneficial for people with dry or sensitive skin.
I also got Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes which wipe away 99.9% of the most common allergens.* I use these to wipe down all the non-porous surfaces in the house, especially during cold and flu season.
I picked up Robitussin® Maximum Strength Honey Cough & Chest Congestion DM. It’s gluten free, has no artificial colors, and has true source certified honey. It’s the real honey I want with the powerful cough relief I need. The liquid-strength of Robitussin Honey soothes on contact and provides cough relief for hours.
Finally, I grabbed Theraflu Power Pods Nighttime Severe Cold. Remember, Theraflu Power Pods Daytime Severe Cold and Robitussin® Maximum Strength Honey Cough & Chest Congestion DM should not be used at the same time.
I don’t want colds or the flu to get in my way. Theraflu Power Pods Nighttime Severe Cold provide powerful relief from minor aches and pains, headache, nasal and sinus congestion, cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation, and minor sore throat pain without a prescription. They also temporarily reduce fever.
Need to stock up for cold and flu season? Check out these great ideas to help you get through cold and flu season.
Also be sure to take advantage of these great savings offers:
- Beginning on 12/9/18 through 1/26/19 you can get $1 Off Any Theraflu Product
- Beginning on 12/9/18 through 1/26/19 you can get $2 Off Theraflu Power Pods, 12ct Powders, 40ct Caplets, and Syrups Twinpack
- $1.25 off Robitussin through 1/4/19
Making your own stocking is super simple and I’ve even got a free printable pattern for you. So gather up a little bit of fun Christmas fabric and let’s get started.
DIY Christmas Stocking Supplies
- Fabric (½ yard if you’re using the same fabric for the outside and lining, more if you’re using different ones
- A 6 inch piece of ribbon
- Coordinating thread
- Sewing machine and sewing machine needle
- Pins
- Scissors or a rotary cutting set
- Pinking shears (optional, but helpful)
My DIY Christmas Stocking Pattern (page 1 & page 2)
DIY Christmas Stocking Instructions
Step 1: Wash, dry, and iron your fabric. Print out the DIY Christams stocking pattern. Tape the 2 pages together and cut out the stocking shape.
Step 2: Use your pattern to cut out 2 stocking pieces from the fabric you are using for the outside of the stockings and 2 stocking pieces from the fabric you are using for the lining. Here’s the thing though… You need one piece going in each direction for both of these. So one stocking piece should go to the right and one to the left for the lining set and for the outside fabric pair.
Step 3: Lay down one of your outside fabric pieces with the right side up. Lay the other outside fabric piece down on top of it with the right side down. You want the right sides together. Fold your piece of ribbon in half and place it 1 inch down from the top on the “calf” side of your stocking. Pin and sew the two pieces together on the sides, sewing ½ inch from the edge. Use pinking shears to trim the edges of your stocking or cut some notches into the curves.
Step 4: Repeat step 3 for the lining pieces but this time you don’t need a ribbon and you are going to leave a gap in the bottom of the foot of the stocking. Leave about 4-5 inches unsewn in this area. Use pinking shears to trim the edges of your stocking or cut some notches into the curves.
Step 5: Turn the outside fabric part of the stocking right side out. Put it inside of the lining part of the stocking (which will still be inside out).
Step 6: Line up the top of the stocking of both the outside and the lining. Pin and sew them together, sewing ½ inch from the edge.
Step 7: Use the hole that you left in the bottom of the lining to turn it right side out. Give everything a nice press with your iron. Sew shut the hole in your lining and stuff it into the inside.
Step 8: Sew around the top of your stocking opening, sewing about ¼- ⅛ inch from the opening.
And you’re done!
Go stuff your stocking with some great gifts. Need some inspiration? Check out these great ideas to help you get through cold and flu season.
Theraflu-(c) 2018 the GSK group of companies or its licensor. Theraflu is for use in adults 12 years and older. Use all products only as directed. Read label and follow directions.
Abreva, Breathe Right, Robitussin – Use only as directed. Read label and follow directions.
*Use Clorox products as directed for removal of non-living allergens like pet dander, dust mite matter and pest matter on hard nonporous surfaces in your home. Keep out of reach of children.