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One Year of Blogging & Moving from Go Daddy to Blue Host

Break out the noise makers and cue the confetti!  Today the blog turns 1!

One year ago… after wrestling with doubt and insecurity I finally decided to start the blog that had been on my heart for some time.

screenshot of blog

One whole year of blogging here at Mary Martha Mama.  In this past year I have learned quite a lot and I am looking forward to learning even more in the year to come.  Thank you all very, very much for the sweet encouragement that you have sent my way.

A year ago when I began my blog I read someone’s (sorry, don’t remember whose) tutorial on how to buy a domain and set up a self-hosted WordPress blog.  I followed their instructions to a t including purchasing my domain name and hosting from Go Daddy.  When my husband got home from work that night I excitedly showed him my blog and told him all about it.

The blog was not a surprise to him as I had been bounced the idea off of him some months before and he was pleased that I had finally started something that I was so passionate about.  What he was not excited about was that I had gone through Go Daddy.  I watch a very limited choice of TV shows (many of which are PBS Kids or HGTV) so I wasn’t aware of what Go Daddy’s commercials are like.  My husband informed me that they were not the most family friendly commercials so we agreed that eventually I might consider switching my business to some other company.

Fast forward to January and I started getting notices from Go Daddy that my year of hosting and domain registration was about to be up and that it was time to renew.  I decided to move the domain registration from Go Daddy to Blue Host per Crystal at Money Saving Mom‘s recommendation.

On January 19th I transferred my domain registration over to Blue Host and purchased hosting there as well.  Then things got complicated and so I’m not going to lie to you all- I had to have my much more tech-savvy husband do the rest for me.  Using a tutorial found on youtube he then moved my websites database and files over from Go Daddy to Blue Host.  That took some time and was not as easy as it sounds, but he was finally able to do it after a week of things going wrong.

Once we he did all that my website was still down.  I then called Blue Host, explained the situation and after about an hour on the phone the customer service member I spoke with was able to fix whatever was wrong and my website was back up.  I was so thankful because I was worried that it was all going to be lost somehow.  However, there are a few broken links and pictures missing still so I am still working on fixing things even as we speak.  I am hoping by the end of the month to have it all fixed.

So… lessons learned in one year of blogging?  They are too many to name and most of them are way more important that the technical stuff I’ve had to learn.

Above all I have learned to be brave and to try new and hard things.  The goal of my blog is to try to encourage and inspire women and I hope that as I continue to work and share with you all in this next year that this blog will be a place for just that- encouragement and inspiration.

Julia @ Grace Makes New

Wednesday 4th of February 2015

Congrats on one year! That's so exciting and a great accomplishment! And congrats on getting everything moved over successfully!


Wednesday 4th of February 2015

Thanks so much!


Wednesday 4th of February 2015

congratulations on one year and getting the blog moved over!


Wednesday 4th of February 2015

Thank you so much!


Wednesday 4th of February 2015

Congratulations! Here's to many more...


Wednesday 4th of February 2015

Thank you!

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Mary Martha Mama