We are still sick so this past week was a mixed bag. I did not go to Tabata because my kiddos were still sick but I did get some walking in at home and even did some walking outside since it was nice. Working out outside is always infinitely more appealing that working out inside. Eating was a mixed bag too… not my best week as far as diet but more good choices than bad really.
Weight loss? I lost what I gained during week 2.
So I’m right where I was at the end of week 1. I could be doing much better, but I’m moving in the right direction over all.
Overall weight lost since January 2nd: 5.2 pounds
Where does that leave me on my goals?
- Get to a healthy BMI (26 pounds to go)
- Get to my pre-pregnancy weight (28 pounds to go)
- Get to my pre-marriage weight (33 pounds to go)
- Total Weight Loss Goal {Get back to my ideal weight} (43 pounds to go)
How did I do on my eating and fitness goals?
- Eat consciously (Mixed bag this week but there was more good than bad.)
- Get in some walking every day (I hit my step goal 4 days. I need to make sure to get in my walking every day… working out or walking every day helps me eat better… it makes me feel like I have something to protect, that I don’t want to ruin all my hard work by eating poorly.)
- Workout 4 times per week (I went to neither of my Tabata classes)
So here’s to a good week this week. I’m doing a little shopping this morning for a few foods that are working for me and I hope to put in the work and have a good loss to share next week.
Working on your fitness too? Let me know about it in the comments below. I’d love to hear what’s working for you.