Hey y’all! Happy end of Monday! Totally meant to get this post up earlier but I start Mondays very slowly… especially lately. We all got sick around the Christmas but I’m the only one with a lingering cough at night. It really does not bother me during the day but at night it’s hard to get to sleep and stay asleep. And without sleep I move very slowly.
So how did I do this week weight-wise? Things went well. This week I lost 4.6 pounds or 2.8%. Since beginning my challenge 16 weeks ago I have lost 8.4 pounds or 4.9%.
I have a few weight loss goals-
- Get to a healthy BMI (2.6 pounds to go)
- Get to my pre-pregnancy weight (4.6 pounds to go)
- Get to my pre-marriage weight (9.6 pounds to go)
- Total Weight Loss Goal {Get back to my ideal weight} (19.6 pounds to go)
So as slow as I have been I have made some progress this week. I did fairly well sticking to my diet but I did not do too much in the realm of exercise. Generally speaking you can work out when you have a cold but not when you have a cough going on. So I only walked this past week. I’ve been keeping track of my steps with my Fitbit Flex
I have worn my flex off and on since getting it. I forgot to take it with me when we traveled at Christmas but other than that I wear it. I have yet to delve into everything that it does but so far I’m pleased. It tracks my steps and and calories burned each day. I like the challenge of trying to meet my daily step goals that I set for myself.
Another feature that I like is the sleep tracking. I think it is interesting to see how much I really wake up some nights. In a way I also feel like it challenges me to get to bed earlier in an effort to get enough sleep to feel good and be ready to work out in the mornings.
The fitbit is fairly simple to use as is the app where I track my data. I love that the battery lasts about 5 days so I don’t have to charge it as often as I thought I would. I do think that it could be improved if it could get wet. The manual states that it can get a little wet (like if you splash it while washing your hands) but you can’t wear it while swimming.
I like the fitbit because it works for someone who is extrinsically motivated by specific goals. I like setting goals for how many steps I take each day. Goals like that give me structure, something to work for… I feel accomplished when I reach my goals and it helps to motivate me farther. So if you are like me in this way, a fitbit might be something that you might enjoy having.
Let me end by saying that no, this post is not sponsored by fitbit. They don’t even know that I exist. I just thought that it might be helpful to others to share some of the tools I’m using in my fitness journey. Pretty soon I might share about my elliptical. Thrilling, I know 😉 Have a great Monday night!
(Please note: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means that if you click on a link and make a purchase I will receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting the blog! Read my disclosure policy here.)