Honestly, we have a lot going on with our family. Among the other things this week our 3 year old is having surgery to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. And I know it’s not that big a deal compared to what many parents go through with kids with major health issues, but it’s still handing my baby over to someone else’s care and knowing the pain that he’s about to go through when he has no way of understanding.
And it’s just a lot of other things at once and I feel all of these things, these situations pressing on me. And honestly the only way I know to not panic or just totally lose it is to pray and read my Bible. The only thing stopping this all from just completely dragging me down is pushing myself to remember that these things will not break me because of the power of Christ. Specifically I have found comfort and calm in 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verses 8-9, but really the whole chapter is nice. Maybe they will give you a little comfort and calm too?
Beth Newman
Monday 26th of September 2016
Praying for him, you and your family. No request is too small.
Monday 26th of September 2016
Thank you Beth!