So, I’m a big fan of certain rewards programs. Not all of them, but some of them are totally worth it. My husband and I happen to like Coke. Well, he loves Diet Coke, I love Coke, but we both love Coke Rewards. You sign up for an account and then you enter rewards codes that you can redeem for various prizes. The rewards codes are printed on every Coke product. They are on the inside of bottle caps and the part you rip off of 12 packs.
So what sort of prizes do you get? There’s a variety such as prints and photo books from Shutterfly, Coke swag, and my favorite, magazines.
I LOVE magazines. But I have never wanted to pay for a subscription ever so I used to just buy the occasional magazine as a treat. Coke Rewards enables me to get a few magazine subscriptions per year, which I really enjoy. The magazine subscriptions are 120-250 points. A 12 pack of Coke is 10 points, so if you buy 12 packs, then it would take you about 10-25 12 packs to get a magazine subscription. I know it’s not totally free given that I have to buy Coke products to get the rewards, but we already buy them anyway, so I consider it to be free. And if you are already buying Coke, Sprite, or any other Coke product, then you should maybe consider doing it too.
Are there any rewards programs you really enjoy? Do you like magazines as much as I do?