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Bon Jour

This past weekend at Joanne’s was Coupon commotion so I took advantage of a free Saturday afternoon and got some new fabric.  I also ordered a bunch more online the other night so there’s a whole lot of newness coming to my Etsy shop soon.

Including these lovely ladies!

bon jor 3 burp cloths

bon jor burp cloths

I love the print on the Eiffel Tower fabric.  The colors are some of my favorites and I just love the chalkboard doodle style of them!  I decided to pair them with bold, modern pink polka dots.

I also paired the polka dot print with another girly fabric- one full of shoes.

shoes 2 burp cloths

shoes burp clothsThese run a little more girly than my usual tastes but I really like them.  Both of these burp cloth sets are available in my Etsy shop if you’d like to see the details.

What do you think?  Too girl?  Or totally your taste?

Mary Martha Mama