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Healthy Mama 2018 Week # 3

It’s been a rough week.  Sick kids, snow days, not feeling great… I made some bad choices. I’m not trying to make excuses for not doing well.  I know that I need to learn to make better choices when I’m stressed and things are less than ideal.

Overall I am still down from where I started at the beginning of the year but I gained some weight this week.  My diet was not on point.  I went to both my Tabata classes but I didn’t get my steps in every day like I did last week.

Here’s where I stand:

Weight gained this week: 2 pounds

Overall weight lost since January 2nd: 3.2 pounds

Where does that leave me on my goals?

  • Get to a healthy BMI (28 pounds to go)
  • Get to my pre-pregnancy weight (30 pounds to go)
  • Get to my pre-marriage weight (35 pounds to go)
  • Total Weight Loss Goal {Get back to my ideal weight} (45 pounds to go)

How did I do on my eating and fitness goals?

  • Eat consciously (No… no I did not.  I’m especially frustrated with the days that I did really well until dinner and then screwed it all up at dinner or after)
  • Get in some walking every day (I hit my step goal 2 days.  I need to make sure to get in my walking every day… working out or walking every day helps me eat better… it makes me feel like I have something to protect, that I don’t want to ruin all my hard work by eating poorly.)
  • Workout 4 times per week  (I went to both of my Tabata classes)

I’m trying to focus myself better this week and I’m really loving this quote I saw on Instagram:

Mary Martha Mama