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Free Thanksgiving Printables for Kids

Happy Friday everyone!  Today I’m really excited to share something new with you all!  I’ve been working on a few activities for my son for Thanksgiving and I decided to cook up a few more and share them with you all on the blog.  In the blog’s navigation menu you’ll see that now I’ve got a tab labeled Printables.

new printables screen shot

If you click on that tab in the menu you’ll find my new page of Free Printables.  There is not a ton there yet but as I finish a few more this weekend I’ll upload them as well.  For now you can find some fun activities that you can use to entertain your kids while you’re on your way to Grandma’s house next week or cooking up Thanksgiving dinner.  Here’s a few of the printables available:

psalm 136 1 printable imagepsalm 136 1 printable

Thanksgiving snipping practicethanksgiving cutting practice

thanksgiving color by numberThanksgiving Trace & Color by Number 1

I hope you all enjoy this new resource and be sure to check out all the printables on my Thanksgiving Printable page.  Have a great weekend!

Linking up with I Can Teach My Child’s Show and Share Satuday Link-up.

Mary Martha Mama