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Meal Plan & Grocery List {Free Printable}

I don’t know about you, but I could always use a little more help becoming more organized.  As much as I’m type-A and I love all things to be in their place I certainly don’t have it all together- especially since having our second son.  You would think that in the last year and a half since he was born that I would have gotten my act together but sadly, I still feel like I’m constantly playing catch-up.

So I’m working on ways to help get (and keep) myself a little more organized.  Each week when I make my meal plan and grocery list organize my ingredients by the section of the store where they are located.  I’ve been drawing it all out by hand but I realized that I always draw it the same way so in an effort to streamline my process I decided to create a worksheet for myself that I can just print out each week.

meal plan and grocery list printableIf you would like to use it feel free to download it by clicking on the picture above.  Then you can print it and fill it in as you plan your meals.  Happy Shopping!

Have any good organizing tips to pass along?  Most of my best ideas are borrowed, so I love to hear what you all have to share.

Mary Martha Mama