*This post was originally written on a Friday on my previous blog, but I wanted to transfer everything over here and so you’ll notice the post date is not a Friday.*
I’ve been reading the girl in the red shoes for quite some time and Julie, the author participates in a link up hosted by a. liz adventures, carolina charm, hello! happiness, and the good life blog. I really enjoy her blog, and the link up as it affords me the opportunity to bounce around checking out new blogs and see what others are enjoying. So here’s my first one! Here are the 5 things I’m currently into:
1. So before I got married, I had been to Mexican restaurants, but I had never had the white cheese dip… Do you know what I’m talking about? As if the calories from the chips aren’t enough, slathering them with cheese just takes it over the top. We have yet to find a store bought dip that tastes as good, but this one comes pretty close. It says mild, but it has a bit of a kick!
2. The Paddington Bear for babyGap Collection is to die for! I love this sweet footie and may have to buy if for baby S, even if the white freaks me out a little in terms of the potential difficulty of keeping it clean.
3. MOPs totally revamped their blog and magazine and let me just say, it is GORGEOUS! The design is absolutely stunning. I’ve enjoyed the articles for some time and now the redesign just makes it even more enjoyable and inspiring.
4. I have been using cloth napkins lately for a few of our meals in lieu of the paper ones. It feels a little fancy, but it mostly feels less wasteful. As of now I only have a set of 6 hand me down ones from my aunt, but I’ve had my eye on purchasing a few more lately, and these from Target have almost jumped into my online cart a few times. I think I’d go for the dark ones, as that seems more practical with all the spaghetti sauce that gets consumed around here.
5. My husband bought this little wireless digital thermometer a while ago and I didn’t really think we needed it, but I love the convenience that it provides in the winter. With just a quick glance I know the temperature outside and I know how to dress the boys to brave the great outdoors.
Happy Friday!
Cat is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom of two boys. She shares crafts, DIY projects, kids’ activities, and a little bit about life in Ohio. Learn more about her and the blog on the About page.