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The Mish-Mash That Is Five on Friday

1. One Year

On Wednesday this blog turned one year old!  I have loved blogging this past year and I am very much looking forward to all that this next year will bring.

one number on painted background

2. Seven Ways to Praise Your Children for 7 Days

So we’ve seen a whole lot of snow and cold lately.  And being stuck inside with an 18 month old boy and a 4 year old boy can be a challenge.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my boys, but figuring out how to get the energy out when it’s too cold to go out is difficult!  I have felt like I’ve been doing a whole lot more correcting than encouraging lately so it was rather timely when last night I came across Rachel Wojnarowski’s 7 Ways to Praise Your Children for 7 Days.  Definitely a good read!

3. Pink Pink Popsicles

In an effort not to go stir crazy I’ve been trying to do some fun activities with the boys, including some cooking.  With Valentine’s Day in mind we came up with this Pink Pink Popsicle recipe earlier this week and A loves them!

pink pink popsicles 4. New Free Printable

Speaking of Valentines Day and love… I made up some quick art for our bedroom wall and I thought I’d share the print with you all.

love never fails on a painted background

5. Jimmy Fallon’s Time at Bayside High

If you’re like me, you watched a little lot of Saved By the Bell growing up… so you might feel a little like you went to Bayside High too.  I hope you got to see this Jimmy Fallon skit because it’s fantastic!  Doesn’t Mario Lopez look exactly the same?

YouTube video

Any fun plans for the weekend?

I’m linking up with these Friday Link-ups:



Friday 6th of February 2015

Happy Blog-iversary!!!! LOVE jimmy fallon's SBTB!!!!! So funny!!!! Those popsicles look great. Pinning that!


Friday 6th of February 2015

Thanks, Leslie!


Friday 6th of February 2015

Love Never Fails. <3 it !!! Our weekend is going to be spend catching up and then my husband goes on days off Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday.


Friday 6th of February 2015

Good luck catching up!

Julia @ Grace Makes New

Friday 6th of February 2015

Yum those popsicles look so good! That skit was so awesome, and YES I thought the exact same thing, Mario Lopez looks exactly the same as he did back in the day!


Friday 6th of February 2015

Thank you!


Friday 6th of February 2015

I saw this Saved by the Bell skit and couldn't get over how little of a difference they have changed. It was hilarious and my newsfeed was full of friends talking about it!


Friday 6th of February 2015

I totally agreed! I mean, if you look super closely at their faces you can see they've aged, but they really do look so similar!

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Mary Martha Mama