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Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! I’m so excited for this weekend. We have a couple of things going on with friends and church and I’m very much looking forward to it all. Plus, our one son came down with a cough this week and thankfully it’s started to subside. So fingers crossed he starts feeling fully well again today or tomorrow. Here’s what I’m loving this week:

All Creatures Great and Small

I stumbled on this a few weeks ago and have worked my way through all the series that have come out so far. It’s about a veterinary practice in late 1930s England. It’s a nice ensemble cast and a fairly light period piece.

YouTube video

Bible Memory App

I’m taking a class at church and as a part of the class I have to memorize a few passages of scripture. I’ve been using an app that was recommended and I highly recommend it. It’s nice for quick daily review of the verses and the free version is what I have and it’s more than enough. It’s called the Bible Memory App.

bible memory app home
bible memory app other screen

Costco Haul

Earlier this week I shared my Costco Haul April 2023 post. If you’re interested in what Costco has to offer and our local prices then be sure to check it out!

Costco Haul April 2023 horizontal

Real Good Foods Lasagna

Speaking of food, I love this easy little microwave meal from Real Good Foods. If you’re doing keto then check this out if you can find it near you. And don’t be put off with the way it looks… it’s not as pretty as the picture on the cover when you heat it up. It tastes amazing! This is perfect for me when I need something quick in a pinch.

real good foods lasagna bowl

Dining Room Progress

I did make some dining room progress this week! I did a little painting of the ceiling and the top half of the walls. I will be sharing more in a post soon but here’s a tiny little peek:

dining room progress hale navy

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Mary Martha Mama