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Friday Favorites

Hello Friday!  I’m currently under the weather so I’m excited to get to the weekend and have the opportunity to rest.  Both boys had dentist appointments this week, we had 2 snow days, our bathroom remodel is hopefully finishing up, and I am just too tired for any more adulting. Bring on the lazy weekend!  Here’s what I am actually loving this week-

[one] Lucky’s Haircut

Yes, the dog’s new do is one of my favorites.  When his hair is long I have to brush it out every night in order to avoid tangles.  So. High. Maintenance.  Seriously, I spend more time on his hair than I do my own.  I don’t like to cut it short in winter because it’s cold here so let’s just say I was excited when he got his first spring cut this week.  And yes, my husband did tease me a little by joking about how I pamper the dog more than myself because the dog gets his nails done every month while I haven’t had mine done in 4 years.  I need to get on that.

Lucky after hair cut

[two] Bathroom Progress

We have been renovating our master bathroom on and off for 3 weeks.  Renovation while parenting= slow, slow, slow.  BUT I’m excited about the progress we are making.  At least this wallpaper from 1989 is now gone.

wallpaper from the 80s

[three] Charles Barkley’s Snack Hoodie

I cannot stop laughing at this for some reason.  Every time it comes on, I laugh.  Maybe it will get old by the end of March Madness but it hasn’t yet.

YouTube video

[four] Easter Coloring Book

I made a little printable Easter Story Coloring Book.  You can see a few pages and download it in my post from Tuesday.  I plan on using it with my kids and my Sunday School class.

printable Easter coloring book

[five] What a Beautiful Name

Speaking of Easter, I cannot get enough of this song and I feel like it’s my Easter song for this year.

YouTube video

I’ll leave you with that beautiful song.  Have a great weekend.

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Friday 17th of March 2017

Yay for bathroom remodeling! And Lucky is looking very nice. What a cutie! :) I hope you feel better soon - I've had something going on most of the week too. Never fun!


Friday 17th of March 2017

Thanks so much!

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Mary Martha Mama