Yay! I may be having minor surgery today (you can read a little about it here) but I’m still going to celebrate that it’s a Friday. In fact I think it will help me to be positive and calm to focus on the good things this morning. So let’s begin!
[one] Verse of the Week
My verse of the week, my mantra for right now is Proverbs 31:25. I talked a little about why on Monday.
I also shared this instagram snap of a cuff that I’m in love with. I’m just patiently waiting until she opens her shop again in October to order one.
[three] If I like Gilmore Girls I’ll love…????
I began watching Gilmore Girls again while I was recovering from my surgery in February and I just finished it on Wednesday. I’m looking for some recommendations for shows to watch while I recover this weekend. Some of my favorite shows have been Gilmore Girls, Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife, Pride and Prejudice, and the West Wing. Please leave me some recommendations in the comments!
[four] Virginia
In all the mayhem of this past week I almost forgot that I just got back from taking the boys to visit my parents in Virginia. As always, going home is a definite favorite. My other favorite is that my boys get to spend time with my parents. I hope that we continue the tradition of going for a couple weeks in the summer and that my boys have fantastic memories of their time spent there each summer. This time around the boys got to go to the pool, Bush Gardens, the new fancy library, the park, and more. But if you ask them I think their favorite is romping around in the woods at my parents’ house. Even if there are snakes. I saw two on this trip!
[five] Punching Fear in the Face
I’m a total wimp, so don’t laugh… but I hate the actual driving involved in getting to my parents. I’m looking at you, Pennsylvania Turnpike. I was nervous and contemplated taking the longer route, but this time I went ahead and did the Turnpike. And in record time, too 🙂 Not too shabby considering as I was driving by myself with two kids and a dog.
I hope you have a great weekend!
I’m linking up with:
Cat is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom of two boys. She shares crafts, DIY projects, kids’ activities, and a little bit about life in Ohio. Learn more about her and the blog on the About page.
Beth Newman
Sunday 21st of August 2016
I hope everything went well! Happy Sunday!
Sunday 21st of August 2016
Thank you! Things went ok. Full, long, complicated update coming tomorrow.