Many, many times this week I have thought it was Friday and I have been so disappointed. But finally today it is. Here’s some highlights from this week:
[one] Purging & Organizing
As you might have seen on Instagram we have been working our way through the house getting rid of the clutter and cleaning up. I’ve been marking more things off my organization checklist and I can’t wait to get rid of more. We’ve donated 7 garbage bags full of stuff and have thrown away 6. We have more to go but progress feels good.
[two] Thrift Store Finds
Our 5 year old son got the Imaginext Batcave for Christmas and ever since then our boys have wanted to play with it non-stop. This week I popped into one of our local thrifts to see if they had any bookshelves to help me organize some more of our art supplies and while I came up empty handed in terms of the bookshelf I totally scored in the toy department! I found older versions of the Imaginext Castle and Imaginext Pirate Ship. They are not Batman but they are Imaginext and their little Batman and Superman actions figures are compatible so they love them. I could barely get them washed off before they were clamoring to play with them. And I love that they were only $2.99 each. Second hand toys for the win!
[three] Hair
I’m contemplating a haircut. Well, I guess to be clear I am in dire need of a haircut and I’m contemplating what to do. I want to figure it out before I head in to get it cut. As much as I loved the bob cut I got last year I have been growing it out since then and I think I still want to keep the length. Some cuts I like are long layers and more shoulder-length layers. Any suggestions for me? I love my stylist and I might just go in and ask her what she thinks would look good for me.
[four] Valentine’s Treats
I’ll be making these fun Cupid’s Arrow Fruit Kabobs for my son’s Valentine’s party for school this coming week. I did a trial run this week and the boys loved them.
[five] Creepy Vintage Valentines
My husband send me a link to this post about Creepy Vintage Valentines. Definitely take a look if you need a laugh today.
Happy Friday everyone!
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Cat is a teacher turned stay-at-home mom of two boys. She shares crafts, DIY projects, kids’ activities, and a little bit about life in Ohio. Learn more about her and the blog on the About page.